I Recognize the Fears of the Dear by Anna Churakova (MAR. POM WINNER)

ain-prankster is very brave
Knock-knock drops from heaven
Him wet the dry Ground -
It became wet all around.
Soaked in moisture: herbs,
And the trees and the bench
Someone left, someone right, -
Only you and I are not wet.
Is this why, dear friend,
We are not even afraid of thunder:
You are righteous - I am a sinner -
Both under the same umbrella.
And sorrow and anxiety
And airy dreams
And blurry roads
Musical notation sheets
Rain-tramp will play
Fast, smooth and easy,
Carrying Good throughout the World,
By giving your Love.
It doesn't matter who is in what color
I recognized the features of the dear -
It rained across the planet map
And in the footsteps, flowers sprang up.

Anna Churakovna.png